One way ticket from Schiphol to Amsterdam Central
Did you know that a one way ticket from Schiphol Airport to Amsterdam Central Station is the best-selling train ticket in the Netherlands?
Schiphol’s busiest day of the year
Did you know that today is the busiest day of the year at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol? Over 177,000 departing, arriving and transfering passengers are...
Arrival of the first Airbus 380 on Schiphol Airport
Did you know that the first commercial flight on a double-deck Airbus 380 to the Netherlands will arrive at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol this afternoon?...
Schiphol: the world’s lowest lying airport
Did you know that Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is the world's lowest lying airport? The airport is located on reclaimed land at 4.5m below sea level.
Schiphol; Europe’s best airport
Did you know that Amsterdam Airport Schiphol has been named Europe's best airport in the annual Skytrax World Airport Awards? On top of that...