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community service

Community service for young first offenders

Did you know that in the Netherlands young first offenders of minor crimes such as shoplifting or fireworks nuisance are often referred to Bureau...

Do you suffer from Dutchphobia?

Did you know that there is such a thing as Dutchphobia? Dutchphobia Dutchphobia is the irrational and abnormal fear of the Netherlands, the Dutch people and...
polar bears

Dutch expression: ‘IJsberen’

Did you know that 'ijsberen' is Dutch for 'pacing up and down'? Literally it translates to 'polar bearing' because polar bears in zoos are...
Nijntje Miffy

Dick Bruna 1927-2017

Did you know that Dick Bruna, the creator of Miffy ('Nijntje' in Dutch), passed away peacefully in his sleep last night? Millions of children across...
De Heineken Ontvoering

Movie about the kidnapping of Heineken’s president

Did you know that incarcerated gangster Willem Holleeder (born 1958) tries to stop the release of a movie about the kidnapping of Heineken's president?...
postcard Holland

The Netherlands welcomes a growing number of foreign tourists

Did you know that the Netherlands received about 11.3 million foreign tourists in 2011? This is a growth of 3% compared to 2010 and...

The creator of Guess Who? went to school with Anne Frank

Did you know that the creator of Guess Who? went to highschool with Anne Frank? Theo Costers (born 1932) survived World War II in...

Mandatory membership for coffeeshops

Today the Dutch government has decided to introduce a mandatory membership scheme for coffeeshops. Each coffeeshop can accept 1000 to 1500 registered members who...
The Netherlands

The Netherlands is a small country

The Netherlands is a small country with a size of 41,848 km2. The distance from north to south measures 300km and from east to...

The UnDutchables

Did you know that the book 'The UnDutchables' offers a humerous portrayal of Dutch life and habits? The first edition was published in 1989...