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Unlimited travel day ticket Amsterdam

Did you know that the GVB day ticket (€7.50) provides 24 hours of unlimited travel on all 15 tram routes, 41 bus routes and...
Marten and Oopjen

Rembrandt’s only two life-sized portraits

Did you know that tomorrow Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum welcomes Rembrandt's first and only life-sized portraits, of newly-weds Marten and Oopjen?To celebrate this monumental co-purchase (with...
Beurs van Berlage

Beurs van Berlage: former stock exchange building

Did you know that because of the former stock exchange building Beurs van Berlage and several other buildings related to financial activities built in...

Larger-than-life bookcase in Amsterdam Oud-West

Did you know that each book in this giant bookcase weighs about 25kg? This artwork in Amsterdam Oud-West is part of a neighbourhood where...

Violinist suddenly bursting through the floor

Did you know this statue of a violin player bursting through the tiles floor of Amsterdam's city hall and opera house Stopera is made...

Tipsy buildings in Amsterdam

Did you know that not all buildings with uneven levels in Amsterdam are slanting outwards, backwards or sideways because of the unstable swampy foundation?...
Claude Monet

French painter Monet in the Netherlands

Did you know that French painter Claude Monet and his family spent a few months in Amsterdam and Zaandam in 1871? In this period...

Huge bicycle parking at Amsterdam Central Station

Did you know that you can find one of Europe's largest bicycle parkings at Amsterdam Central Station? This three-storey 'fietsflat' can hold no less...

Amsterdam is entirely built on long poles

Did you know that Amsterdam is entirely built on long poles hammered deep into the ground, otherwise the buildings would sink away in the...

Eighty galleries at Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Did you know that there are 8000 objects in 80 galleries telling the story of 800 years of Dutch art and history at Amsterdam's...