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left to right: Queen Wilhelmina, Princess Juliana, Prince Bernhard and Armgard von Cramm (Bernard's mother) on their wedding day 7 January 1937

Three months honeymoon for Juliana and Bernhard

Did you know that Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard went on a 3-months lasting honeymoon?After they went skiing in Poland, the newlyweds continued to...
Did you know that Vincent van Gogh made as many as seven sketches of the Roosdonck windmill (built in 1884) in Nuenen while he lived there from 1883 to 1885? However, he refused to paint this windmill as he simply disliked new buildings.

Vincent van Gogh refused to paint windmill

Did you know that Vincent van Gogh made as many as seven sketches of the Roosdonck windmill (built in 1884) in Nuenen while he...
Elfstedentocht 1986

The legendary Elfstedentocht skating tour

Did you know that the second to last rarely raced Elfstedentocht took place 30 years ago today?Evert van Benthem was the winner of this edition of...
Eighty Year War

Reenactment of the Eighty Year War

Did you know that each year on 1 April the people of Brielle reenact the capture of the fortification from the Spanish troops during...

Flags at half-mast on Remembrance Day

Did you know that Dutch flags fly at half mast today from 18.00 until sunset for Remembrance of the Dead?

4 May: Remembrance Day

Did you know that today is Remembrance Day in the Netherlands?Each year on 4 May we remember all civilians and members of the armed...

Blowing mid-winter horns to ward off evil spirits

Did you know that it is a long time tradition in parts of the rural east of the Netherlands to blow mid-winter horns between...

American military cemetary in Margraten

Did you know that every year each of the 8,301 graves of the American military cemetary in Margraten is adopted by a Dutch family...

The only gold rush in the Netherlands

Did you know that Nijverdal is the only place in the Netherlands where a gold rush took place? Around 1900 during the construction of...

4600 year old battle axe found in Amsterdam

Did you know that Amsterdam was officially founded 737 years ago, but has been inhabited since prehistoric times? During recent digging for metro tunnels...