Dutch Food & Drinks

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Vlaai: pastry tart from the southern province of Limburg

Did you know that 'vlaai' (pronounced as 'fly') is a typically pastry tart from the southern province of Limburg? Vlaai comes in many varieties; with...
Innocent smoothie

Knitted hats on top of smoothie bottles

Did you know that over 100,000 hats have been knitted for Innocent smoothies to raise money for trips for lonely elderly people? €0.20 for...

Asparagus for Queen Beatrix’ farewell dinner

Did you know that Dutch asparagus are part of the menu of the farewell dinner that Queen Beatrix is hosting at Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum tonight?

Kick-off of the asparagus season

Did you know that today is the kick-off of the asparagus season? The largest asparagus ever (311cm) can be seen at the Dutch National...
Albert Heijn Rijksmuseum

Dutch masterpieces on dairy cartons

Did you know that dairy cartons at supermarket chain Albert Heijn are decorated with 16 masterpieces of the newly renovated Rijksmuseum? To stimulate conversations...
Librije Zwolle

Gourmand World Cookbook Award for Dutch top chef

Did you know that Dutch top chef Jonnie Boer and his wife Thérèse have won the Gourmand World Cookbook Award at the Paris Cookbook...
Limburg vlaai

‘Vlaai’ for obedient drivers

Did you know that the next few weeks in certain urban residential areas in Limburg drivers will be rewarded by police with a 'vlaai'...

Extra vitamin D for Dutch people

Did you know that Dutch margarine factories add vitamin D to their products to compensate the lack of sunlight?
Dutch hemp bread

Hemp bread with fully legal hemp

Did you know that a baker in Oegstgeest (South-Holland) recently started selling hemp bread? The yeast-free somewhat spicy bread contains a small amount of...

Many Dutch recipes contain potatoes

Did you know that potatoes are the prime ingredient for a large number of traditional Dutch recipes?